Jason Watson, Director U.S. Sales, discusses the Conversion of Agricultural Lands to Forestry Plantations and testing soil compaction.
Best Practices
Learn best practices in managing your tree forest contractors from ArborGen. Get the best planting services and forestry management with these management tips.
2024 ArborGen Product Catalog
Choosing the right seedlings to meet your goals can be frustrating and confusing. We want you to relax with confidence knowing you’ve chosen the best seedlings to grow the healthy, profitable forest you want meet your goals.
Important Planting Tips
Three important planting tips for your ArborGen seedlings.
Handle Seedlings with Care
A few weeks back, I accompanied a former student of mine, now a professional forester, to a planting site on his company land to inspect seedling and planting quality. As we arrived on the tract that had been site prepared for its new forest, I noticed something that deeply concerned me. One of the planters had separated himself from the rest of the crew and filled his planting bag for another run. He was down on both knees with his Hoedad planting tool firmly secured between them.
Valuable Planting Tips
When possible, be on-site while seedlings are being planted to avoid these common, devastating mistakes.
Daily Seedling Planting Log
This log will allow the contractor to document the details of the seedlings at delivery, including the condition of the seedlings, seedling type, and packaging. Along with the initial inspection, the planter will be able to keep track of the date of planting, weather conditions as well as planting tool used. All of this information can be recorded and readily accessible in the event of any questions after planting is complete.
Seedling Revenue Comparison Tool
Open-pollinated (OP) or MCP®? Should I plant all OP, all MCP or some of both? What will it cost and what will be my return? Try out our Seedling Revenue Comparison Tool and see for yourself!
Proper Seedling Storage
Planting season is here, and with that, it is essential to store seedlings properly for best results. Watch this informative video from Jeff Smith of Scotch Land Management & Plywood and Paul Jeffreys, Ph.D. Reforestation Advisor.
Be There, Be Aware!
Your contract tree planters are out in the field, set their own schedules and work on multiple projects at once. Make sure your job is their top priority and you get the best service possible. The best way to do that is to Be There. Be Aware.
Studies Show Early Site Prep Yields Best Pine Growth
Landowners looking for the most cost-efficient and effective ways to maximize the value of their pine seedling investments need to stay up to date on “best practices” in silviculture and land management. A body of research has shown that our best pine growth is with earlier site prep (starting in about mid June) rather than the current late season practice. Not only do we get better growth response in June, but there are also other benefits from earlier site prep, including: