Authored by Jason Watson, M.S., R.F.
Jason Watson is the ArborGen Director of United States Sales.
Before becoming the Director of U.S. Sales four years ago, he was the Reforestation Advisor in South Carolina for eight years. Jason is a forester and a forest landowner who has been in the industry for over 25 years.
Containerized seedlings can offer significant advantages, but are they being used in the industry because of inferior bareroot quality?
Containerized seedlings allow flexibility in planting times, which can be helpful for early or late-season planting. ArborGen is expanding its container seedling options but remains committed to producing robust, advanced genetic bareroot seedlings to support future wood markets. Forest landowners should have quality options and not be forced to choose containerized seedlings due to poor bareroot quality.
For landowners to get the best results from their seedlings, seedling quality is critical. Bareroot seedlings need a specific root collar diameter and a strong, fibrous root system to survive and grow well in the first year. Containerized seedlings are judged on the size of their root plug and root development. These containerized options have become popular over the last decade, partly due to inconsistent quality in bareroot seedlings. However, they generally cost more, adding about $40-$60 per acre.
Over the past 16 years, there’s been a considerable effort to educate private forest landowners about forest genetics through workshops, field tours, webinars, and publications. Although containerized seedlings are becoming more popular, most timberland investors still choose bareroot MCP® seedlings. They use a combined approach of good site prep techniques and high-quality bareroot seedlings to maximize genetic potential. ArborGen has invested in precise seed-sowing technology, producing more uniform bareroot crops that perform well. Because of this investment, over 2 million acres have been planted with ArborGen MCP seedlings since the early 2000s.
Contact your Reforestation Advisor to see how MCP fits into your goals.