We want you to feel confident you know how to make the best choice for your unique land and goals. We value your information and only want to provide you with actionable, valuable information we think you will find helpful and nothing ‘salesly’. Knowing pine seedling buying options, where to get information, and what’s suitable for your land is key to getting successful results. As you are gathering information to decide what to plant on your land, here are some important questions to ask as you weigh your options.

#1: How do I make sure I can take advantage of whatever timber market there is at harvest?

Decades of improvements in genetics and silviculture have offered increased timber yields and log quality, diversifying the markets in which the timber can be sold. Simply put, better genetics give you more options at harvest.

#2: How do I determine the best genetics to plant to meet my financial goals?

Make sure the person you work with has the experience and education in forestry to understand all of the factors you need to consider when planting. This expertise should include silviculture and genetics.

#3: Should I plant bareroot or containerized seedlings?

For most reforestation situations, bareroot seedlings will provide survival rates of around 88%. Planting with container seedlings can improve survival on droughty sites and may be planted early in the planting season or late in the season planting to improve survival.

#4: Should I plant Hardwoods or Pine? What will my site selection/property grow?

If you match the site to the species and follow correct silvicultural methods, you can and will have a productive forest that will yield a good revenue for you in the future. No matter what species you choose, always use high-quality seedlings.

#5: What kind of customer support should I expect regarding my seedlings, before, during and after my reforestation?

Make sure the reforestation company you work with asks you about your goals for you and your family and helps you to achieve those. They should communicate with you in a clear, transparent way with facts and data that support their claims, especially around genetics and field performance.

#6: How do I know which type of seedlings is best for my land?

When the reforestation process starts, most landowners know the amount of land they own and want to plant the most productive seedlings available. With new options and genetics available today, site preparation and seedling selection are two key factors where it pays to talk to a Reforestation Advisor (RA) to ensure you are getting the most value for your investment.

#7: When should I choose Elite seedlings over others?

To help you understand the increased return for each dollar of additional investment in improved genetics, ArborGen has developed a tool based on industry models and cashflow analysis to help you see the value of the investment in your selection. Our seedling calculator demonstrates scenarios in which each increase in your seedling investment yields an increase in revenue.

#8: When is Elite not Elite?

ArborGen’s Open-Pollinated Elite (OP Elite) has the same name as other providers’ elite: same name, VERY different seedling. By not understanding the different criteria companies use for determining the level of genetics, you risk paying too much for your seedlings and not getting the performance you expect.

8 Questions To Ask Before Buying Seedlings Cover Arborgen Tree Seedlings Eight Questions To Ask Before Buying Seedlings

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