Time to Get the Best Seedlings to Our Customers
Harvesting and Delivery is a Special Time of the Year!
Seedling Lifting
As you are reading this, we have started the time-sensitive task of getting seedlings out of the ground and to our customers as quickly as possible. The nurseries set February 15 each year as the target date to have all of the trees out of the ground. After that, trees will start breaking dormancy as the days become longer. To get the entire crop lifted we have to lift an average of 1.5 million seedlings a day at each nursery.
Seedling Packing
We begin the process of counting seedlings even before lifting with our October nursery inventory. By determining the number of seedlings per nursery bed, we can estimate the number of seedlings per box. For example, if a seedlot has 100 plantable seedlings per linear nursery bed foot (one foot long by four feet wide) and the bed is 500 feet long, there will be 50,000 plantable seedlings of that seedlot available for reforestation.
Customer Success Story
“After working with ArborGen in my first tree planting season, I am confident they will always fulfill my client’s needs for
– Will Tulloss, Manager,
Mazur & Tulloss Associates LLC
Seedlings Going Fast – Order Yours Now!
Right now there are still limited numbers of MCP® and OP Loblolly seedlings for most regions as well as Longleaf Pine. See how improved genetics can put more money in your pocket, faster.
Now you have a way to clearly see the increased income you can achieve with an investment in improved genetics, no matter where you live. Built on an industry standard platform using well-vetted data, this calculator can show you how investing an additional $1 can return $17.
With at least 14 new sawmills announced along with 15 major mill expansions, capacity is expected to increase to nearly 24 billion new board feet.
Now is the time to take full advantage of the expected increase in saw log demand.
Seedling Care During Transit
Seedling Care During Transit
Geoffrey Lee Hill, ArborGen Reforestation Advisor, shares helpful tips to maximize seedling survivability when transporting seedlings.
Contact your Reforestation Advisor with any questions you may have about a new or existing order. They’re always happy to help.
Seedling Delivery
Where You Want
On time delivery of seedlings to you is a critical step in providing fresh, healthy seedlings for planting at your site. ArborGen will partner with you for delivery of your seedlings using the optimum mode of delivery, packaging, and scheduling. The final method of shipping and cost to deliver will be based on our efforts to achieve the lowest cost solution while meeting your service requirements for delivery. All orders shipping from ArborGen locations or coolers is shipped F.O.B. nursery of origin. You always have the option to pick your seedlings up at the nursery.
Seedlings lifted before January 1st typically have limited storage time. Please contact the nursery providing your seedlings to see how much storage time can be used for the seedlings. This could impact the number of seedlings being delivered in a single shipment recognizing the time required to plant the seedlings once delivered.
Need a trusted partner to guide the way?
Get in touch with a Reforestation Advisor to explore your options!
Paul Jeffreys, Ph.D.
Alabama & Northern Mississippi
Manager Special Projects & Sustainability
Austin Heine
North Carolina & Virginia
Blake Sherry
Florida, Southern Georgia, & Southern Alabama
Drew Fasano
South Carolina & Northern Georgia
Jeff Slaga
Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma & Texas
Kylie Burdette
U.S. Sales Manager
Jason Watson
Director, U.S. Sales