Talk to an ArborGen Reforestation Advisor or Nursery Manager before planting trees that have experienced abnormally high or low temperatures.

Seedling survival will suffer if seedlings are exposed to excessively high or low temperatures.

The level of mortality is directly related to the length of exposure to these temperature extremes. An exposure to 80°F for two hours can significantly reduce survival.

Be sure to download the latest Seedling Care & Planting Guidelines, and request a copy when you pick up your seedlings.


• Transport seedlings in a refrigerated van with temperatures maintained between 34°F and 45°F whenever possible.

• Keep inside package temperatures below 60°F.

• Keep truck bed free from pesticides and other chemicals.

• Keep truck bed free from sharp objects.

• Promptly repair or replace torn packages.

• Shield seedlings from direct sunlight, wind, and temperature extremes.

• Minimize transportation time.

• Consider transporting trees at night.


• Allow seedlings to freeze.

• Ship trees without refrigeration when air temperature exceeds 70°F.

• Walk on or stack heavy objects on seedlings.

• Routinely open seedling packages to inspect seedlings. (Open only if the package has been damaged and/or been too hot or cold).