April 2023 – 1st Edition
April 2023 – 1st Edition
April 2023 – 1st Edition
Why Bareroot? Why Containerized?
Why Bareroot? Why Containerized?
Why Bareroot? Why Containerized?
When should you plant Bareroot Seedlings rather than Containerized Seedlings or vice versa?
ArborGen provides both containerized and bareroot seedlings for reforestation, and there are benefits to using both. But which stock type you choose is really based on what’s best for your land and what you want at harvest.
Initial survival is essential, but there’s much beyond that consideration when designing a thriving, strong stand of trees—one with increased growth, better straightness, rust resistance, and reduced forking. The genetics of the seedlings you plant can directly determine the return on your investment – not the stock type.
You may be paying more for the container than what’s inside.
- Reforestation projects with bareroot are a cost-efficient tool with expected survival rates of around 88%.*
- Ideal on well prepared, non-stressful sites – promotes successful regeneration.
- Freight costs are less.
- Large-scale projects can be more economical with bareroot seedlings.
- Containers can cost up to $50 more per acre to plant than bareroot.
- Container seedlings can provide some survival insurance, but at a cost.
- Great for stressful sites with a rocky, gravelly component.
- Helpful for early or late planting.
- On average, containers deliver 7% to 10% better survival.*
*Ask your Reforestation Advisor for complete data
And remember, proper site prep prevents poor performance – every time.
Planting containerized seedlings is not a substitute for proper quality site preparation or poor genetics. Landowners should refrain from buying containerized seedlings only to skimp on-site preparation, thinking that the containerized seedlings will compensate for poor or no site prep.
Survival gets you Trees……Genetics brings the Value
(Both stands below had 90% Survival)
10 Yr. Old Container 2nd gen stand in SC: high number of defective trees: crooks, forks, rust galls
35% SawTimber Potential
11 Yr. Old Bareroot MCP Elite Stand in AL:
90% Sawtimber Potential
3x the Value of the OP Container Stand
Reach out to your
ArborGen Reforestation Advisor
to get the right seedlings for land and your next planting.
And remember, proper site prep prevents poor performance – every time.
Planting containerized seedlings is not a substitute for proper quality site preparation or poor genetics. Landowners should refrain from buying containerized seedlings only to skimp on-site preparation, thinking that the containerized seedlings will compensate for poor or no site prep.
Reach out to your ArborGen Reforestation Advisor to get the right seedlings for land and your next planting.
Webinar Announcement
Is there money you could be earning from your forest land that you’re leaving on the table?
Join Dr. Paul Jeffreys on a live webinar where he’ll discuss the following areas and get your questions answered:
- Which seedlings will give you the most bang for your buck
- How to find out what planting scenarios will give you the best options at harvest
- The difference between common seedling types
FLA: Longleaf Cost Share Funds
Planting Longleaf Pine:
Cost-Share Funds Available
Application deadline extended to May 5, 2023.
Reminder: The Forest Landowners Association has cost-share funds available for landowners planting longleaf pine. Applications are open to any private landowner or landowning company in the historic longleaf pine range.
What’s Happening: Planting
In these informative videos, you’ll see how we prepare your next crop of the best seedlings available.
Bullard Nursery Operations & Genetics Tour
Thank you to everyone who attended the ArborGen Bullard Nursery Operations and Genetics Tour! We enjoyed seeing familiar faces and meeting many new ones.
Paul Jeffreys, Ph.D.
Alabama & Northern Mississippi
Manager Special Projects & Sustainability
Austin Heine
North Carolina & Virginia
Blake Sherry
Florida, Southern Georgia, & Southern Alabama
Drew Fasano
South Carolina & Northern Georgia
Jeff Slaga
Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma & Texas
Kylie Burdette
U.S. Sales Manager
Jason Watson
Director, U.S. Sales