
February 2023 – 2nd Edition


February 2023 – 2nd Edition


February 2023 – 2nd Edition

Investing in Forest Genetics – Is it Worth It?

Investing in Forest Genetics – Is it Worth It?

Investing in Forest Genetics – Is it Worth It?

When customers consider seedlings for reforestation, one of the most often asked questions is, “How much is this going to cost?”

Of course, any seedling choice needs appropriate site prep for successful growth. Without that, no seedling has the opportunity to reach its full genetic potential.

When looking at seedling options, try not to focus on just cost. Think of it as an investment.

Here’s why.

The advancement of forest genetics within the last twenty years has steadily improved with more options than ever. The value of a hybrid seedling is based on the specific parents used to produce the hybrid seed. Recognizing this, ArborGen has four categories of its Mass Control Pollinated (MCP®) hybrids separated by increasingly higher levels of volume growth while maintaining the same high standards for log quality depending on the seedling’s parents. As with our open-pollinated (OP) seedlings, we have MCP Advanced, Select, and Elite.

Would you consider that a good investment if you could invest $100 today and receive $1,600?

Forest Genetics

To help you understand the increased return for each dollar of additional investment in improved genetics, ArborGen has developed a tool based on industry models and cashflow analysis to help you see the value of the investment in your selection. Our seedling calculator (see video below) demonstrates scenarios in which each increase in your seedling investment yields an increase in revenue.

During a recent visit to a customer, we discussed the advantages of each level of seedling genetic improvement. We used the calculator to quickly demonstrate the cost difference and revenue increase in the scenarios he gave me. Each scenario revealed he could capture increased revenue by moving to higher genetics (estimated at the time of thinning and final harvest).

We can provide a scenario that best fits your needs in any category. If OP Select is your first option, let us show how OP Elite could increase your return even more. If MCP Advanced is your first choice, let us explain how MCP Select or MCP Elite can increase your profit. For our South Coastal provenance – MCP 2.0 is a newer option. These MCP crosses have volume gains of 90 and 95% greater than the unimproved control seedlots and 30 to 40 percent more volume than the OP Elite average.

Let’s discuss your goals, and we can put a plan in place for you.

Seedling Revenue Calculator

Client Success Story

John David Neeley, a Forestry Consultant in Camden, Arkansas with Neeley Forestry Services, shares how ArborGen seedlings yielded unbelievable growth.

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Paul Jeffreys, Ph.d.

Paul Jeffreys, Ph.D.

Alabama & Northern Mississippi

Manager Special Projects & Sustainability

Austin Heine

Austin Heine

North Carolina & Virginia


Blake Sherry

Blake Sherry

Florida, Southern Georgia, & Southern Alabama


Drew Fasano

Drew Fasano

South Carolina & Northern Georgia


Jeff Slaga

Jeff Slaga

Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma & Texas


Kylie Burdette

Kylie Burdette

U.S. Sales Manager


Jason Watson

Jason Watson

Director, U.S. Sales
