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Best Seedling Genetics for Your Land

Longleaf Seedlings Just Machine Planted Arborgen Tree Seedlings Treelines March 2020 1St EditionYou’ve site prepped, planted, and invested in the best seedling genetics for your land. So now what?

Our forestry professionals have put together some recommendations for making sure your seedlings have the best chance for success. If you have any other questions, make sure you contact your ArborGen Reforestation Advisor. Remember, when you practice good silvicultural methods, you will reap the rewards of superior growth and stem quality and, ultimately, better return on your investment.

Goals for your seedlings in the first year are:

  • Rapid root system establishment throughout the soil profile.
  • Terminal buds above the competing vegetation and animal browse line.
  • Quick growing seedlings (height and stem diameter) in order to be large enough to resist and withstand insects and other damaging agents such as fires, cows, deer, wind, hail, ice, snow, etc.
Top 10 Tips to Achieve Those Goals:

  1. Apply herbicides to control weeds – the #1 enemy in a Pine seedling’s first year. Inspect the stand in late May or early June for a new crop of weeds even if you applied herbicide in late winter or early spring.
  2. Ask a professional which herbicides are right to achieve the complete control you desire for your location and help you choose the correct application method and time.
  3. Inspect the planting site for emerging Pine from seeds left in place after harvesting. These are harder to control because you’ll have to direct spray a herbicide onto the volunteer Pine seedlings without getting spray onto your newly planted seedlings.
  4. Don’t let your seedlings become deer food. Monitor closely for signs of heavy browse on winter shrubs and vines near seedlings. Sites overpopulated with deer will browse on Pine seedlings if there is not a better food source present.
  5. Inspect your seedlings periodically to ensure that no pales weevil activity is present. Look for stem girdling at the soil line on seedlings that show symptoms of yellowing or wilting. Stands harvested between April 1 – June 1 and sites prepared in the year of harvest and planted the next winter can have severe pales weevil problems.
  6. Protect the terminal bud (the bud located at the end of a limb marking the end of that year’s growth) from tip moth larvae. The best time for treatment is at planting. Seedlings planted and treated after February 1 may not have adequate time to absorb enough chemical to protect against the first cycle of tip moth larvae.
  7. Have soil tested for phosphorous (P) by a local lab and follow their recommendations for fertilization at the time of planting.
  8. If you have coarse, sandy soil or if scalping is applied during or before planting, nitrogen fertilization may be required. Dormant season foliage analysis can help diagnose when nitrogen fertilization may be needed.
  9. Don’t let your seedlings get trampled by domestic animals such as cattle. It’s best to exclude domestic animals from your newly planted forest for the first two years. If you do allow domestic animals in your new forest, try to keep all feed troughs and mineral supplement areas outside of the newly planted area.
  10. Monitor seedlings throughout the summer for issues that may arise and notify your ArborGen Reforestation Advisor immediately if you see unhealthy seedlings.

Our forestry professionals have put together some recommendations for making sure your seedlings have the best chance for success.  Remember, when you practice good silvicultural methods, you will reap the rewards of superior growth and stem quality and, ultimately, better return on your investment.

Download the FREE document below

7 Tips Vital To Successful Growth Cover Arborgen Tree Seedlings Treelines March 2020 1St Edition

Customer Spotlight: David Hall

Mississippi Pine Forests Planters
ArborGen is part of our trusted team at Hall Timberlands. We’ve planted ArborGen seedlings for as long as I can remember and have been very happy with them.  We plant for maximum return on investment, so in the high-quality soil, we’re starting to plant Varietals. The quicker you can get a stand to sawtimber, the better.


What’s Happening at ArborGen


ArborGen breeds MCP® seedlings to create significant value for the landowner.  Watch our team inject selected elite pollen with a pollen gun into each flower bag.

Need a trusted partner to guide the way?
Get in touch with a Reforestation Advisor to explore your options!

Paul Jeffreys, Ph.d.

Paul Jeffreys, Ph.D.

Alabama & Northern Mississippi

Manager Special Projects & Sustainability

Austin Heine

Austin Heine

North Carolina & Virginia


Blake Sherry

Blake Sherry

Florida, Southern Georgia, & Southern Alabama


Drew Fasano

Drew Fasano

South Carolina & Northern Georgia


Jeff Slaga

Jeff Slaga

Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma & Texas


Kylie Burdette

Kylie Burdette

U.S. Sales Manager


Jason Watson

Jason Watson

Director, U.S. Sales
