
May 2024 – 1st Edition

Planting Advanced Genetics Seedlings – Is it Worth It?

Choosing the right seedling to meet your goals can be confusing and frustrating without clear, objective information.

Is paying more for advanced genetics worth the investment?

Once only available to large companies, today’s genetic options, including MCP®, ArborGen’s state-of-the-art hybrids, offer landowners the opportunity to profit from up-and-down timber markets. It’s not a decision to be made lightly—your choices now have a 20-25-year consequence. 

Will what you plant today pay off in the future?

As pine breeding and technology have advanced, the opportunity to invest in seedlings with more height, volume gain, and greater disease resistance provides the flexibility to sell your timber to whatever market is “hot.” Additional investment in planting advanced genetics and good site preparation increases the landowner’s revenue and instills a sense of security. Imagine investing $100 today and getting $1,600 in return.

Wouldn’t that be an excellent investment?

Machine Planted Longleaf Seedlings

ArborGen MCP® bareroot planted in February putting on new growth in South Carolina.

At ArborGen, we understand that choosing the right seedling can be a complex decision. That’s why we offer a selection of both bareroot and containerized seedlings with increasing levels of genetic improvement. With our advanced genetics seedlings, you can plant with confidence, knowing that you’re investing in the future of your timber production. This long-term investment can secure your future and your land’s productivity. Our dedicated team of Reforestation Advisors is here to provide personalized assistance, tailoring our advice to your specific needs and goals. Let us show you data and the return on the investment you make because your success is our priority.

    What’s Happening at the Nurseries?

    Seeds have been sown at all the nurseries and are off to a great start. The germinants are already coming along nicely and will yield the highest quality seedlings available late this year.

    Customer Success Story

    Charles Purtle, an experienced Arkansas forest landowner, shares his success with planting advanced genetics seedlings.

    ArborGen Shellman Nursery and Genetics Tour

    Shellman Tour Minimal Arborgen Tree Seedlings Treelines May 2024 1St Edition

    Join us for a tour of our Shellman, GA Nursery and a presentation on combining genetics and silviculture to maximize forest productivity and returns. The tour covers:

    • Genetics Overview and Product Development
    • Chemical Site Prep Overview
    • Seedling Handling and Care
    • Seedling Revenue Calculator Demo
    • Crop Visit and Genetics Demo

    4.5 CFEs Approved Category 1

    Click on the button below to see the agenda and RSVP. The deadline for registration is Friday, May 17th. We hope to see you there!

    Client Results

    Gh 3 14 24 Arborgen Tree Seedlings Treelines May 2024 1St Edition

    MCP® at 1 year

    Cass County, TX

    Pj Client Results Arborgen Tree Seedlings Treelines May 2024 1St Edition

    10.5′ MCP® at 3 years

    Ackerman, MS

    Download a Copy of this TreeLines Edition

    Need a trusted partner to guide the way? Get in touch with a Reforestation Advisor to explore your options!
    Paul Jeffreys, Ph.d.

    Paul Jeffreys, Ph.D.

    Alabama & Northern Mississippi

    Manager Special Projects & Sustainability

    Austin Heine

    Austin Heine

    North Carolina & Virginia


    Blake Sherry

    Blake Sherry

    Florida, Southern Georgia, & Southern Alabama


    Drew Fasano

    Drew Fasano

    South Carolina & Northern Georgia


    Jeff Slaga

    Jeff Slaga

    Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma & Texas


    Kylie Burdette

    Kylie Burdette

    U.S. Sales Manager


    Jason Watson

    Jason Watson

    Director, U.S. Sales
