
July 2023 – 2nd Edition

Seedling Quality Counts

Seedling quality, along with the important decision of which genetics to plant, has a very significant impact on the long-term growth and value of a plantation. No matter what level of genetics or type of seedling you choose, the quality of the seedling makes a significant impact on long-term growth and value of your plantation. That’s why ArborGen is committed to providing you with the best quality seedlings available. And we have an unmatched seedling quality program in place to make sure that happens.

High-quality seedlings are better suited to survive periods of environmental stress and grow well after planting. At ArborGen, we follow the bareroot specifications detailed in this graphic from Auburn University Southern Forest Nursery Management Cooperative.

We produce seedlings with a woody stem and secondary needles, a 10 to 12-inch top, and a 6-inch tap root with eight or more primary lateral roots. We also target an average root collar diameter (RCD) of 5mm or more, and it should be free of insects and disease. The root collar diameter (RCD) is a key metric for quality seedlings and is an indirect measure of the root system. These specifications produce seedlings that work well for hand or machine planting operations.

Our container seedlings have similar specifications, with the key differences from bareroot being that the root length is limited to the length of the container, and container seedlings have a slightly smaller target RCD of 4 mm.

An Idealized Pine Tree Root System (Graph) | Arborgen

Every ArborGen nursery places seedling quality as a top priority. The nursery teams routinely monitor seedling health and growth, and since 2016, the ArborGen Product Development Seedling Quality Team has provided an independent assessment of seedlings at each nursery. 

Product Development In Nursery

Over 100,000 seedling measurements are collected every season across ArborGen nurseries to monitor the development of our crop. Each December, the Product Development Team will lift and measure seedlings to ensure they meet our target specifications.

The entire product development team and nursery personnel are committed to using data and science-based approaches to produce the best quality seedlings to give your plantation the best start.

Patrick Cumbie Circle Cutout Arborgen Tree Seedlings Treelines July 2023 2Nd Edition


Article by Patrick Cumbie
Manager of Pine Development  for ArborGen Inc

Get to know your Reforestation Advisor

While there are more options than ever for genetics, stock type (containerized or bareroot), seedling spacing, and planting method, the decision process can be more manageable and smooth when you have a trusted partner to help.

Meet your team of Reforestation Advisors (RA’s) who bring you a wealth of expertise in silvicultural techniques and genetics selection to help you successfully establish a new forest. Here are some videos to get to know the Reforestation Advisor in your region – they’ll be happy to hear from you and answer questions.

Jason Watson

Director, U.S. Sales
Reforestation Advisor for
Georgia and Florida

Greg Hay

AR, Northern LA, OK

Paul Jeffreys, Ph.D.

Western TN, Northern AL, MS

Austin Heine


Kylie Burdette

U.S. Sales Manager,
Reforestation Advisor for SC

Client Results

Mcp 2.0 Williamsburg County Sc After 8 Months Arborgen Tree Seedlings Treelines July 2023 2Nd Edition

MCP® 2.0 @ 8 months

Williamsburg County, SC

Ig Mcp® 3Rd Growing Season Kemper County Ms Instagram Post Square Arborgen Tree Seedlings Treelines July 2023 2Nd Edition

MCP® @ 3d Growing Season

Kemper County, MS

Seedling Availability

Seedling Availability Map July 2023 Arborgen Tree Seedlings Treelines July 2023 2Nd Edition

Download a Copy of this TreeLines Edition

Need a trusted partner to guide the way? Get in touch with a Reforestation Advisor to explore your options!
Paul Jeffreys, Ph.d.

Paul Jeffreys, Ph.D.

Alabama & Northern Mississippi

Manager Special Projects & Sustainability

Austin Heine

Austin Heine

North Carolina & Virginia


Blake Sherry

Blake Sherry

Florida, Southern Georgia, & Southern Alabama


Drew Fasano

Drew Fasano

South Carolina & Northern Georgia


Jeff Slaga

Jeff Slaga

Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma & Texas


Kylie Burdette

Kylie Burdette

U.S. Sales Manager


Jason Watson

Jason Watson

Director, U.S. Sales
